UO Healthfit Plus is a body fat analyzer using an electric resistivity on the body. It provides various exercise tips and diet recommendations as custom made programs for managing your body properly, based on your bio-metric results (body fat, body water, muscle mass, BMI and so on) with analyzing calorie intake & physical activity calorie you entered .
UO Healthfit Plus is a sensational application compared with any other fitness applications as in the following:
- UO Healthfit Plus provides various exercise tips and diet recommendations as custom made programs for managing your body properly, based on your bio-metric results provided from the device.
- UO Healthfit Plus predicts your body fat changes through the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity.
- You do not need to register or log-in that can put your privacy at risk and able to use it offline any time you want.
UO Healthfit Plus is composed of measuring body composition, my information, my food, my physical activity, the balance of calories and your body simulator.
The main functions on this application are as follows:
1) The balance of calories
- UO Healthfit Plus shows your body fat changes on graph through the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity.
2) Input your calorie (food) intake
- You can check your daily calorie intake.
- You can categorize your food intake by its production location.
- You can input specialized calorie intakes according to Korean-style food.
3) Input your physical activity
- You can calculate your calories burned easily only by time and types of each exercise.
4) Exercise recommendation
- It provides custom made programs based on your preferred workout place and sporting history.
- It shows various exercise (weight-training, aerobic exercise, stretching etc.) contents via photo, text and video-clip with considering your exercise level.
5) Food recommendation
- It provides calorie-controlled diet as per gender and body fat percentage.
- It suggests balanced diet more than 1,200kcal for preventing your basal metabolism drops and stop losing your muscle rate.
- It provides balanced diet of 1,600kcal ~ 2,400kcal with distinction of gender based on the user’s body fat percentage.